The tsunami was definitely one of those teachable moments. World-wide events affected our little classroom in Highland Park. So, instead of boating out in Long Beach Harbor, my kids and I watched videos of the tsunami. Then they wrote letters to themselves "in the future" about their experience. They sealed the letters in envelopes that said, "Do not open until March 11, 2021." Here is one of those letters:
March 11, 2011
Dear Linda,
Today our class didn't go to our field trip to go to Long Beach on a boat to go whale watching because today a very important thing happened. In Japan there was a 8.9 earthquake. When the earthquake happened two plates crashed into each other and started a tsunami.
At March 10, 2011 there was an earthquake. This earthquake was so big that it was an 8.9 earthquake and because it started a tsunami. The earthquake lasted for about a couple of minutes. And after that there were so many after shocks.
After the earthquake there was a tsunami. This tsunami killed alot of Japanese people and it also flooded all the houses and it also destroyed it by mud slides. The tsunami went from Japan to Hawaii and to California. That's why we didn't go to the field trip today. The Hawaiians had to evacuate to higher ground. Many buildings got destroyed and Hawaiians had to get on a roof of a building. Many Japanese people lost everything. And many houses got flooded.
I am so sorry to those Japanese people. They lost everything and their city or country got destroyed. I'm very lucky that we didn't go to the field trip today and I think my mom was so happy that I didn't go to the field trip today.
Your best friend,
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