Wednesday, December 22, 2010

News from the Blogosphere

My fourthgraders this year are really becoming expert bloggers.  Here's what they're writing about (all of my kids have pseudonyms):

"I Hate Chores" by Alex Rider

I REALLY hate chores with my heart. At home I’m the garbage man, because I am the garbage man I can’t do what I want. I can’t pretend I’m the best soccer player in the world, I can’t read, I can’t play with my dogs or draw or watch Sonic X and use the computer, oh and I can’t play on my XBOX 360 game of Sonic. And I’m tired of it! When I take out the trash I always see ants invading our trash cans and smells like trash. One time it was like 3:00 in the morning and I had to take the trash and when I got outside I saw these chollas and chollos doing graffiti. And in my  head I’m thinking to myself shoot me now because i’m tired of taking out the trash. When I went back to bed I imagined my great grandfather with a trashbag in his hands.

"No Thanksgiving for Me!" by Madeline

I never celebrate Thanksgiving because my mom doesn’t like to  celebrate just like Halloween. But I don’t even get  a piece of turkey or something. All we do is go shopping or  to Burger King. So I really never have a Thanksgiving ever. My mom always takes me and my brother to mass/church because she says it’s ”WAY BETTER” than getting a piece of turkey or ”celebrating.” So my Thanksgiving is NEVER celebrated.
"A Day with Ludwig Von Beethoven" by Ella Enchanted

If I could spend a day with somebody it would be Beethoven because he is a good conductor and a good pianoist too. I would go to Beethoven’s grave and a magic dove will take him out and alive. If I could go anywhere with him I would get tickets to go and see an orchestra. Later on we would go to a music school and he will teach me how to play the piano. If  I have any questions these will be them. Did you play another instrument besides piano?  If you were still alive would you finish the ninth symphony? And I will ask him who was his favorite conductor? In the afternoon we will eat pizza for dinner and at the end of the day we will go out and eat ice cream. And right before he will leaves we will play piano together. And that’s my day with Ludwig Von Beethoven!!!

"A Man that Causes Drama" by Junie B. Jones

Today a guy across the street was yelling out bad words. He said he did not want to hear us. And he was being mean to a guy by yelling at him.  There was another person in the house and he told that person to feed him. We were kinda scared  because he was looking at us.  Another reason we were scared was because he said he did not care  what we were learning and that he was going to be loud too.  So a while later he stopped yelling and we were so happy .